Payments are due on the 10th day of each month. Last day to pay is the 25th. Any past due balance will be subject to disconnect after the 25th day of the month regardless of receiving new bill. Extension requests will be accepted up until the 24th of the month.
To sign up for auto draft, click the button below, fill out form and attach a voided check. Form can be dropped off in office or emailed to: heather.burleson@cityofpearidge.com
Payment Extension Form must be completed and received in the office by the 24th day of the month- NO EXCEPTIONS. Email request to heather.burleson@cityofpearidge.com or drop off in night drop or the office. It is the customers responsibility to make sure extension is received. Click Link below for form.
Billing Cycle
1. Meters are read electronically around 19th day of every month.
2. Bills are sent out around the 26th day of every month.
3. Payment is due on the 10th day of the following month.
4. Late charge of 10% added at 7:30 a.m. on the 11th. A late notice is then mailed or emailed, and is considered "second and final notice".
5. Disconnect list is generated at 7:30 a.m. on the 26th with a service fee of $35.00 automatically added, regardless if disconnected yet. All checks written towards a disconnect will be verified.
6. Insufficient funds or returned check fee is $15.00
The payment plus the NSF fee will be due in Cash or by Debit Card by noon the next business day, or a disconnect order will be issued.
7. Extensions may be requested and proper form filled out up to the 24th at 4:30.
*Note* Extended payments are due on the last business day of the month by 2:00 p.m.
For Billing inquiries and any other concerns, please call our office during the hours of 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday at (479) 451-1109
IF YOU HAVE AN AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL OUR AFTER HOURS NUMBER AT (479) 721-1009. This number cannot assist with billing questions or reconnects.